A Message from Ken & Merilee

A message from Ken and Merilee, the founders of the Leadville Race Series:

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Leadville is no stranger to hard times. When this race series emerged in 1983, Leadville was facing true economic hardship and the highest poverty rate in the country. It was through the love and support of this community that Leadville was revived and flourished again. This race series has since brought millions of dollars of economic impact to Leadville, and we have you, our Race Series community, to thank for that. ⁣ ⁣ Well, we’re faced with hard times again. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak have hit our community hard. Leadville is now quiet, as bars and restaurants are closed and residents are self-isolating. Children are missing lunches that they would have received in schools, and the fate of many of our local businesses is unknown. ⁣ ⁣ We are a resilient community and we know that we will come out of this stronger, but this community could use your support now. ⁣ ⁣ If you’re in a position to help, there are a few ways to get involved and help the Leadville community right now:⁣ ⁣ – Donate to the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation⁣ – Donate to the Lake County Community Disaster Relief Fund – ⁣ – Donate to St. George’s Community Meals program ⁣ ⁣ Links to each of these organizations that are helping our community are in our bio. ⁣ ⁣ Thank you for your gracious support of our beloved community. Remember to #DigDeep, we can’t wait to see you in Leadville!⁣

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Leadville is no stranger to hard times. When this race series emerged in 1983, Leadville was facing true economic hardship and the highest poverty rate in the country. It was through the love and support of this community that Leadville was revived and flourished again. This race series has since brought millions of dollars of economic impact to Leadville, and we have you, our Race Series community, to thank for that.

Well, we’re faced with hard times again. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak have hit our community hard. Leadville is now quiet, as bars and restaurants are closed and residents are self-isolating. Children are missing lunches that they would have received in schools, and the fate of many of our local businesses is unknown.

We are a resilient community and we know that we will come out of this stronger, but this community could use your support now.

If you’re in a position to help, there are a few ways to get involved and help the Leadville community right now:

– Donate to the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation:


– Donate to the Lake County Community Disaster Relief Fund:


– Donate to St. George’s Community Meals program:


Thank you for your gracious support of our beloved community. Remember to #DigDeep, we can’t wait to see you in Leadville!

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