International Women’s Day Blog

To The Ladies Who Inspire Us

One of the things that makes the Leadville Race Series so great is the ever growing community of unique individuals, all coming together to share their love for endurance sports. In honor of International Women’s Day, we want to shed light on all of the incredible women that help make Leadville what it is. To the ladies who continuously inspire us and the next generation of girls with their strength and confidence…this one’s for you.

Since 1983, Leadville has witnessed the evolution of female participants in endurance sports. Every year, more and more women rise up to the challenge and race across the sky, and every year we see more women lifting each other up and building support systems.

Merilee Maupin, cofounder of the Leadville Race Series, takes pride in the number of women that not only shape the races, but the community. “Leadville has a long heritage of strong, determined and successful women. We have a woman Sheriff, a woman Chief of Police…Leadville is built by strong women.”

“The future is bright and wide open for women in endurance sports”

She continued to praise the ways in which the Leadville Race Series encouraged inclusivity and welcomed female athletes with open arms.

“We always try to encourage more women. We’ve added a women’s pendant to the race. You can’t leave half the populace behind.”

In addition to more women participating in the Leadville races, the endurance sports industry is quickly growing. Quinn Cooper, director of Athlete Services at the Leadville Race Series, notices more women speaking out about their desire to learn to run and bike. “These races empower women because we can look to one another for support.”

The running and biking community continues to build spaces for women to gain support, encouragement, and share their love for the sport…and we are lucky to be a part of it!

“This is to men and women: anytime you cross that finish line, you will know personally that there is nothing you can’t do, nothing you can’t accomplish. Crossing that finish line is pure magic and life changing”

The Leadville Race Series wants to continue encouraging women to pursue their love for biking and running. Check out what we have coming up in 2020:


Leadville Race Series Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic:

June 26th-28th

Come join us for a weekend of clinics designed specifically for women in conjunction with the 2020 Leadville Race Series Mountain Bike Camp.

The clinics will be designed and led by professional riders, and will feature 3 days of coaching and guiding that will be open to women of all ability levels.

Women will come prepared to learn and build upon their skills, and leave as stronger and confident riders. Clinics will be tailored to the ability level of the group, and the guides will adjust the program based on the comfort and experience of the athletes.

Full schedule of events and information coming soon.

Leadville Race Series Run + Workshop Weekend with Trail Sisters

March 28th-29th

Join Trail Sisters founder Gina Lucrezi and members from Life Time’s Leadville Race Series crew for a weekend of trail running workshops to help women feel more comfortable on the trails! The two part event will include a night run, technical trail running skills, and a happy hour to meet and mingle with your fellow TS’ers.

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